With Behavera, Old-school Recruiting is the New Blackberry in 2010

Expando is a dynamic e-commerce company that helps online stores expand into international markets. With rapid growth come challenges—especially when it comes to efficiently recruiting talent, selecting the right leaders, and maximizing team productivity. They started using Behavera over a year ago and have tested it with 160 candidates.

The Best Leadership Books for New and Experienced Leaders

A good leader is an eternal student with a growth mindset who curiously and humbly seeks opportunities to take their leadership skills a step further. Books are endless fountains of wisdom, so we asked our team, clients, and well-known professionals for their recommendations. And you certainly wouldn't expect the last one in the selection.

How to do 1:1 meetings effectively: What works for experienced leaders

For some leaders, 1:1 meetings are a popular part of their work, and other leaders struggle with how to grasp them properly. Whether you're a rookie or a veteran, we've got practical tips from experienced leaders just for you. What works for them? Take a peek under the hood of their work with people.

The Well-being of Leaders at Risk: How to Take Care of Yourself and Become a Better Role Model

In challenging times, we rely on our leaders as a lighthouse in the storm. What if they too run out of strength and their light goes out? This is what happens in many companies and it's time to make the well-being of leaders a priority. Are we ready for it and what pitfalls stand in our way? Let's shed some light on this.

HR Conferences 2023: an overview of international online events

Would you like to go abroad for inspiration, but you don't have the cash for a big trip right now? No worries, a number of international conferences offer the option of virtual attendance in Europe-friendly times, and some are even free of charge. Choose from our list, get your notepads ready, and enjoy the talks and discussions from the comfort of your home.

HR Conferences 2023: overview of the best events in the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Where to go this year to get educated and inspired? We've put together a list of top events for HR professionals, leaders, and technology enthusiasts. The topics of this year's conferences are really diverse, so we believe everyone will find their favorites.

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Top 3 HR Trends for 2023

This year's theme is transformation. Flexible recruitment will grow in popularity, HR technologies will take the role of HRists to the next level, and generational exchange in the workplace will create a shift in company culture and values. Diversity, equality, and inclusivity will be catalysts for change and Gen-Z will fight for a better playing field for all.

Behavera Well-being Index: modern happiness survey and practical recommendations all in one

What if there was a tool that could do the research for you, analyze the data and recommend how to improve well-being in your company? Forget boring surveys and hours spent evaluating the results. With the Well-being Index, you can focus on taking care of your people and keeping them happy at work.

Busting 6 myths about well-being in companies

Well-being has literally flooded the Internet this year, and this has not been without the spread of myths. Let's shine a light on some of the most widely spread myths between the doors of offices and workplaces. Whether it's the popularity of anonymous surveys, doing surveys only once a year, addressing well-being too late, the popularity of DIY solutions, sticking your head in the sand before addressing well-being, or pigeonholing well-being for everyone. Do you recognize any of these vices? Then you will find this article useful.

What are the biggest challenges HR professionals face in 2022?

This year has been marked by constant change and uncertainty. Did you feel like you were alone in this? Then you don't have to. We interviewed more than 100 HR professionals to find out what challenges were burning them the most. From a lack of quality candidates to high turnover to well-being. Similar responses came to us from small, medium, and large companies across industries from both experienced and junior HR professionals. Can you find yourself in the responses too?

How to measure employee satisfaction and prevent burnout?

Employee retention is one of the top priorities for HR professionals[1] who struggle with turnover and a lack of quality candidates in the market. Up to 49%[2] of employees are at risk of burnout and companies may lose them. Find out how you can prevent burnout early and keep them in your company with the new Behavera Well-being Index.

Are you dealing with well-being effectively?

Despite 96%[1] of companies worldwide providing their employees with more resources to improve their mental health, only 1 in 6 people feel truly supported by their employer. How can companies make the right investments in well-being and create an environment where people feel good at work?

7 tips for improving employee engagement in a hybrid work model

Did employee engagement give you wrinkles before the pandemic? In a hybrid setting, this poses an even greater challenge for many companies. If you don't know where to start or are running out of inspiration on what else to try, perhaps you'll find our practical tips useful.

Inspiring TED Talks for HR professionals and leaders

Want to brighten up your day with a cup of inspiration? We have selected the best ideas worth spreading from speakers in the field of human resources and leadership. Get your pencil and notebook ready and open your mind, because the ideas will be pouring right in.

5 trends that will transform the way we work

The world is literally changing before our eyes and with it the way we work. What are the trends in HR and leadership? Which skills will make you the most desirable employee? Let's take a peek into the near future together so you can stay one step ahead.

The Future of Business Success is in the People-First Approach

Why do you have people quitting and quality candidates not applying? High turnover and lack of people troubles a lot of companies in the world[1]. However, the problem may not be in the benefits, but in the attitude of companies towards people. Long gone are the days when employees were mere human resources. Leaders of successful companies understand that people are the beating heart of their organization. Such companies are people-first. What exactly is this approach and what does it look like in practice? Let's take a look at it.